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Rent-A-Bike in Brussels - Villo Part 2

This weekend everyone seems to be talking about the success of Villo - the rent-a-bike stations which have popped-up everywhere in downtown Brussels. Because of the free subscriptions until January 1st, 2011 and a great marketing campaign, Villo has been able to grow its subscriber base big time over the past few months. So, time for VRT De Redactie to do a news-item, and yes, they picked me for their interview session :-). Click here to read more »

Porche crashes in our street... [TV Brussel]

porche crash brussels
On Sunday morning, a Porche car crashed at high speed in the "Lakenstraat" in downtown Brussels, lifting up parked vehicle and throwing it against the wall of the buildings in the street. Now... that all happened about 40m from our place... exciting to say the least. TV Brussel covered the accident - click the image to see the TV Brussels Flash Video News Coverage. Click here to read more »

Sex And The City 2 - Proximus Event @ Kinepolis

SATC 2 Sex And The City
The premiere of Sex And The City 2 was a good reason for Proximus to throw a party in Brussel's Kinepolis. And to be clear: the Proximus event guys and girls did a better job than the people making the movie. A bit unfair judgement, I agree, but I'll remember the event a bit longer than I will remember the movie. Proximus had dressed up the Kinepolis entrance and the entire stairwell, as well as the event room at the exit. Good looking boys and girls were hired to play some of the SATC2 types, hot girls showing off the latest fashion and real hunks ready to take you out. Plenty of picture opportunities, with readily available photographers, and everything executed in a professional way (I wouldn't like to see the bill :-). And of course there were the SATC2 gift bags - exactly three different ones - for all the Promimus guests attending the premire. The only down point ? The movie itself - more than two hours worth of product placement with the soundtrack as the most interesting part of the movie. Click here to read more »

My pictures of the Zinneke Parade 2010 are on-line...

Zinneke Parade Flickr Set

On May 22nd 2010 downtown Brussels was the place to be for the bi-annual Zinneke Parade. This year the theme was "Aan Tafel" - and the preparations officially started back in January ... just like for carnaval, organizations prepare their costumes and floats. The result ? A colorful three hour parade with artists, costumes, acrobats, facepainting, and much much more. You can find my event pictures in my Flickr account. Click here to read more »

Want to try a 5-star hotel in Brussels [Amigo, Conrad, Meridien, Radisson, ... ] for 100 Euro/night including breakfast for 2 ?

Also in 2010, you can try luxury hotels in Brussels for a discounted rate - 100 Euro in a 5-star hotel for 2 people including breakfast - during several weekends. The only catch: you need to live in Brussels... Click here to read more »

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