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Dallas Half Marathon March 25, 2018

21K 20180325 Instagram

My 2nd Dallas Half Marathon... and definitely better than the first one I ran last year. Click here to read more »

2017... First Challenge... Half Marathon March 19th 2017 [Dallas]

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Yep... it's decided... March 19th is the date for my half marathon in 2017... the last one I ran was all the way back in 2012... so time to take on the challenge... Click here to read more »

Another wave of Belgian Performers playing in the US...

Lost Frequencies Dallas

This Saturday, Felix De Laet aka Lost Frequencies played The Lizard Lounge in Dallas... as part of his US tour which also brought him in clubs in San Francisco, Las Vegas, Houston, Brooklyn, and Scottsdale (and he will be back at the end of October to play Halloween night at San Bernardino) Click here to read more »

Dallas Aurora 2015 event - How not to market a VIP experience

Aurora VIP Experience

A few tips when offering a VIP experience at your arts event... Provide the benefits you promise, don't discount the tickets to 1/3 of their initial value, and deliver at least acceptable customer service... The people behind Dallas Aurora 2015 failed all of these last Friday, resulting in a less than favorable experience. Click here to read more »

Adding to the 2015 concert list... George Ezra and Ariana Grande

concerts Dallas October 2015

After about three years in Dallas, it was long overdue to experience a concert in The House of Blues. George Ezra was a good match on the venue. The same was not true for Ariana Grande, who couldn't fill (neither impress) the American Airlines Center (AAC, Dallas)... Click here to read more »

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