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Dallas Aurora 2015 event - How not to market a VIP experience

Aurora VIP Experience

A few tips when offering a VIP experience at your arts event... Provide the benefits you promise, don't discount the tickets to 1/3 of their initial value, and deliver at least acceptable customer service... The people behind Dallas Aurora 2015 failed all of these last Friday, resulting in a less than favorable experience. Click here to read more »

Purchasing tickets on a second hand market place - Buyer beware of the fees, charges, taxes, commissions, ... adding up to 75% !

markstickets Mark's tickets

Recently Stubhub abandoned a real-life test disclosing to customers of second hand tickets the all-in price upfront - as they were losing customers hand over feet to other ticket brokers. Today, I personally went through the experience of how a $20 ticket purchase results in $15.10 of additional fees, charges, and taxes to the online broker - and that is even before they take their cut of what the seller of the tickets actually receives. Click here to read more »

Everything is big at the Texas State Fair

bigtex at the Texas State Fairgrounds

Once a year the State Fairgrounds in Dallas are being used for what they were once made out to exist: they Texas State Fair. Four weeks of thrill rides, concerts, and... fried food. This year's winner: fried Jambalaya. The picture shows the State Fair icon BigTex - 52 foot tall. Click here to read more »

Is Raymond Goethals Alive ? [February 25th, 2012 KVS Brussels]

Raymond KVS Raymond Goethals

Yesterday we went to the premiere in KVS of a theater play depicturing the legendary soccer trainer Raymond Goethals. Josse De Pauw put forward an excellent performance, but did he bring the icon Raymond back to life ? Click here to read more »

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