Tips / Tricks / Bug Reports & Solutions
Undo on an iphone/Ipad in various applications (i.e. IOS Notes Undo, ...)
The Undo function is typically not in any menu in your iPhone applications... if it is not... shake the device... and you will get a pop-up menu (much like what you get when you select things)... Undo is one of them... in case of Notes: you get two UNDO steps... not a lot, but sometimes a lifesaver !
Unable to delete files (in Windows User Folder, in Downloads Folder, ...)
Resolving Airport Express / Remote / AppleTV / iTunes connectivity after upgrading iTunes (firewall issues)
New... also read my article "how to create an Apple Itunes ID without a credit card" if you need new or additional AppleIDs to support multiple devices, more countries, etc. Click here to read more »