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Why e-commerce and online advertising have still so much room to grow - and how the US is falling behind in the digital experience

Today, US E-commerce is ~$450 billion per year - out of $5 Trillion in US retail spending (or only just about 10%) which is just a fraction of the $12 trillion per year US consumer spending - so which sectors are up next for transformation (hint: restaurants, groceries, insurance, etc.). With 10% of e-commerce vs. total retail consumer spending, the US trails China, South Korea and even the UK with multiples...

Online advertising is worth $220 billion today, reaching ~40% of ad budgets, but there is another $500 billion left globally in the non-advertising marketing spend (direct marketing, product placement, events, etc).

Asia now generates more mobile data than North + South America plus all of Europe together... indicative of their spending power. Click here to read more »

Hurry: order by January 4th - a cool smart home camera for $49 !

spot smart home camera

A home camera for less than $50 ? With night vision, 2 way audio, motion and sound detection, streaming video, HD-video, local SD storage and free cloud storage, audio-recognition and time lapse video (I'll explain) ? There is only one thing to do: order now. Click here to read more »

Yes I did it again : take a chance on a technology startup at Indiegogo - will it be late again ?

Flic-A-Button Iphone Gadget

I've been burned by catchy descriptions and lofty promises on Indiegogo before... but I'm trying once again. Flic-a-button sounds like fun, with plenty of fun applications... so I did place my order and will keep my fingers crossed... Click here to read more »

Funky fully automated light switches - direct from your phone

bright light switches bluetooth iphone

Sexy light switches - for a low price... for the first people backing the company and the product... I ordered mine (February 2014)... Click here to read more »

No we don't have Wifi - Talk to one another

No we don't have wi-fi - talk to one another

Well... this sign definitely went viral... and rightfully so. I don't see Starbucks or McDonnalds posting this one soon... but who knows. Want to see the result ? Or some more funnies ? Click here to read more »

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