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Why e-commerce and online advertising have still so much room to grow - and how the US is falling behind in the digital experience

Today, US E-commerce is ~$450 billion per year - out of $5 Trillion in US retail spending (or only just about 10%) which is just a fraction of the $12 trillion per year US consumer spending - so which sectors are up next for transformation (hint: restaurants, groceries, insurance, etc.). With 10% of e-commerce vs. total retail consumer spending, the US trails China, South Korea and even the UK with multiples...

Online advertising is worth $220 billion today, reaching ~40% of ad budgets, but there is another $500 billion left globally in the non-advertising marketing spend (direct marketing, product placement, events, etc).

Asia now generates more mobile data than North + South America plus all of Europe together... indicative of their spending power. Click here to read more »

Storify... A successful Belgian venture in Silicon Valley's Internet world

storify logo spotify office

Curation is the new buzz word for Internet Publishers and Ventures alike... and at the middle of the storm is a small Belgian led startup company in the Valley: Storify, a service used by high profile companies as the Whitehouse, Le Soir, The Wall Street Journal, The Weather Channel, ... Click here to read more »

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