How to create an iTunes ID without a credit card...
We all know the problem... sometimes you want to setup a new iTunes account and you do not want to provide a credit card number. There are some legitimate uses for this...
- You are setting up a new Apple device, and you do not want to use your existing Apple ID. A good reason for that is that Apple sends iMessages and Facetime requests to every device using the same Apple ID. So if you have several devices (an iPhone, an Ipad, ...) and you do not want to see all your messages on all your devices, you need a second Apple ID Click here to read more »
Tips / Tricks / Bug Reports & Solutions
Undo on an iphone/Ipad in various applications (i.e. IOS Notes Undo, ...)
The Undo function is typically not in any menu in your iPhone applications... if it is not... shake the device... and you will get a pop-up menu (much like what you get when you select things)... Undo is one of them... in case of Notes: you get two UNDO steps... not a lot, but sometimes a lifesaver !
Unable to delete files (in Windows User Folder, in Downloads Folder, ...)