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Belgica - Sundance 2016 Winner for World Cinema Dramatic

belgica the movie

A new movie from Belgian director Felix Van Groeningen and a new set of awards... Belgica won the 2016 Sundance Film Festival award for the best director in the category World Cinema Dramatic... one of the biggest awards at the festival which should pave the way to a worldwide release of this movie set in a Belgian Cafe becoming "the place to be"... Click here to read more »

The Drop... A "Belgian" movie in the US...


There aren't that many (US) movies with a Belgian director which get to play in regular US movie theaters... so when "The Drop" appeared on the agenda of the local movie complex I couldn't help it... Click here to read more »

Thumbs-up for The Broken Circle Breakdown

broken-circle uverse at&t

Tonight is Oscar night... and one of the nominated movies for best foreign language movie is the Belgian movie The Broken Circle Breakdown also known in the USA as Alabama-Monroe... Take a look at the Oscar nominees for Best Foreign Language Movie 2014... and let's cheer them on ! Click here to read more »

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