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Welcome to 2019 !

Our very best wishes for the holidays - and for the New Year 2019. Scroll down and enjoy some more pictures and greeting cards design for Christmas 2018 / New Year 2019. And if you are really into the holiday spirit, you can find links to some of our greeting cards from years passed.

Want to drop us a quick note ? Email us at

Here is Jonas' traditional Santa Claus from this year, taken on December 9th in downtown McKinney.

Santa 12.09.18-1548-e.jpg

Here are our Season's Greetings 2018 - 2019...



We are taking advantage of the holidays to complete our move to the new home - so please do update your address books and contact lists:


Now... let's go back in time a little... Click to visit our prior years greetings !

Please check back for even more contents on this page soon (as we get closer to the actual holidays)...

Also... you can register using the Login menu on top of this page - and once you have been registered you have access to a lot more content on this site - starting with Jonas' blog. All you need to get started is an email address.