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Leaving Japan...

Flickr Cherry Blossom
At the Narita Airport, leaving Japan. Overcast clouds, unseasonably cold - so I missed the Cherry Blossom season. Missed the moment when people rush out and have a drink and/or a pic-nic under the Cherry Blossom trees with their friends and families. So they say. And I have the feeling I missed much more...

I guess I should have better prepared. To know that my phone neither Blackberry would connect here - despite being tri-band. That my SIM card wouldn't even work in a local phone - on which I can't even figure out how to get the '+' sign to show because the user interface is just totally different. Didn't know the TV remote had a language switch button - so after a while I just gave up looking for the English CNN channel. Remotely opening doors of regular taxi cars - who's expecting that ? Out of country ATM/Debit cards do not work to get cash out of the wall, really ?! And I could go on for a while...

But I also have to say that I never had a Japanese dinner experience as I did last night. When it showed that a good Japanese dinner can have so much more than excellent sushi and sashimi. And I'm sure the weather will get back to normal... when I'm gone. So a return trip is definitely needed.